Air Fryer Green Beans


3/4 lb green beans fresh, ends cut off, rinsed
2 eggs whisked
1/2 c flour
2 1/2 tsp garlic salt
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 c Panko bread crumbs
3/4 c Parmesan cheese shredded


Wash and trim ends off green beans. On one plate mix together flour, garlic salt, salt and pepper.

On a 2nd plate mix together Panko and Parmesan cheese. On a 3rd plate with a lip whisk together your eggs.

One by one dip rinsed (a bit wet on the outside still) green beans into flour mixture to coat. Shake off excess, then dip into egg mixture, and then cover with Panko mixture well. Press down on bean so last coating sticks well.

Place coated beans into air fryer basket or racks.

Once full and beans are NOT overlapping set to 400 degrees for 6-9 minutes. Timing will vary depending on whether you have multiple racks going or have a smaller basket. Get nice and brown on outside and then allow them to sit inside air fryer for 3-5 minutes to continue to soften bean a bit once they’re as crispy as you’d like them.

Remove that batch and start with another in your air fryer.

Serve with ranch dressing for dipping sauce.